Foundation (Prep) Enrolments
Enrolling your child for their first year of school is an exciting milestone for both you and your child, and we’re here to make the process as easy and smooth as possible.
Information packs, tour bookings and enrolment forms can accessed via our website or via our school office.
​Families who apply will be invited to meet with the principal, along with their child, for an interview.
We welcome enrolment enquiries at any time of the year and our principal, Matthew Davey is always happy to discuss enrolment options with interested families.
Note: Victorian children are allowed to start school in Foundation (Prep) on the first day of first term as long as they turn 5 by April 30 that year. Applications for enrolment are submitted in the year prior.
Enrolments at other Year Levels
Expressions of interest are welcome for students in other year levels at any time. The process is similar to the Foundation enrolment - ​prospective applicants are welcome to book a tour or submit an application via our website.
Once you application is received our Principal will be in touch to invite you for an interview. The principal and Parish priest will consider all interviewed applicants and notify families of the outcome of their application within a couple of weeks of the interview.